meta, i hate sci fi, sga, life

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  • they should call it YAYkuza!

    bookshop Jun 05, 2008 06:01

    me, dresden files, bsg, i love ueda's face, sga, life, karupin walks the walk, draco, i love you i love you hikago, bones, gay serial killers, tezuryo, i hate anime, i heart japan, fandom, i hate sci fi, tenipuri

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  • (Untitled)

    bookshop May 07, 2008 23:11


    • ROBERT DOWNEY JR IS SO HOT. I've always loved this guy I mean really really loved, ever since he totally swished his way through Only You and into my heart, and I was so D: about the whole drug thing and so :D :D :D :D when he came through it and now, the result, HOLY SHIT THE RESULT.
    • Iron Man blew me away. Iron ( Read more... )

    hikago, dresden files, i hate sci fi, fandom, life

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  • my modus operandi is amalgam.

    bookshop Dec 31, 2007 21:06

    Today I bought this shirt. This is either totally lame or totally awesome. It's probably a bit of both, just like me ( Read more... )

    i'm god i'm god where's my vibe, jin makes me want to crayon color walls, hp, i love ueda's face, amalin, bump of chicken, rach, tezuryo, sam has her own tag, i hate anime, nwp, hikago, orphne, i heart japan, i hate sci fi, happy happy happy, demonfic, the fujiwara motoo zone

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  • like my soul has fallen into the pit of Mordor...fication.

    bookshop Aug 02, 2007 22:58

    me: i hate sci fi. i really really really hate sci fi ( Read more... )

    please god don't let her discover ds9, i hate sci fi, space hotties, spock is just like tezuka in a way, oh aja

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  • (Untitled)

    bookshop Jul 29, 2007 13:29

    So, in this ep, Metamorphosis, they've been stranded on a desert planet with only a 150-year-old space explorer dude for company, having been lured there by a giant ball of electricity.

    at this point they've figured out that Giant Electric Ball has been keeping Space Explorer Dude as her lover all these years. SED's all like, huh?

    So Spock has to tell Mr. Spaceman what Love is. )

    please god don't let her discover ds9, i hate sci fi, fandom, space hotties, aja hates freedom, um well i actually love odo :|, oh aja, spock is just like tezuka in a way

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  • (Untitled)

    bookshop Jul 27, 2007 14:51

    i hate sci fi, fandom, aja hates freedom, love

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  • (Untitled)

    bookshop Jul 26, 2007 23:32

    zach: wait, is this the one where Spock sings?
    me: what.

    i think it's my fate to be constantly amazed by my own capacity to like shamefully embarrassing things that i would never in a million years willingly confess to liking, except then i not only like them but start shrieking it to the skies oh my god what is wrong with me, is there some sort ( Read more... )

    i hate sci fi, embarrassment, fandom, why am i like this

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